Tuesday, February 8, 2011

As I have said elsewhere, I was born on January 14, 1930, and was raised--from 0 to 8--in dire poverty in a rough and ready mining community called Number One, because it was near the first iron-ore mine opened on Bell Island in 1895.

Number seven of eight children--five boys and three girls--I lived too far from the United Church, and the church-owned-and-operated School--near what is still called The Front--to attend any of the church and school activities until we moved to The Front in 1938.

As a child, despite the rough living conditions I look back with fond memories to the eight years I lived in Number One. Once I got old enough--six to eight--to take off with my very protective older brothers, or even on my own--every day was an adventure--sometimes high-life-threatening kinds of adventure--near the steep and jagged cliffs and coves, with romantic names life Grebe's Nest conve, and Ocre-Pit Cove within walking-distance of Number One Mines. Looking back, I don't remember ever having a dull moment as a child.

Sad to say, one day--I was off on my own adventure--one of my friends was killed. As he was walking along a beach near a steep cliff. The story was that a rock fell--some said that it was thrown by .......from the cliff and stuck him a fatal blow on the head. It was also rumoured that the stone was

Living in the style of the times: We ten Kings had to live in one half of a rented-tenement-shack-like-gray-shingled building, which we rented from the company--Dominion Iron Steel and Coal Inc.

Amenities? ...[More on this, later]

Some time ago, Because it had no real meaning for me, I retired the serious use of the proper noun, God--along with calling him a he and a him.

In my opinion, 'god' is not a being--natural or supernatural--with dimensions.

I experience 'god' as G0d, GOD or even as G+O+D--note that I use special acronyms--as dimension-less Being in which all things, which have dimensions,

Of course, this includes human beings. As such, in GOD we live move and have our physical, mental and spiritual and indivisible individualities. As Jesus, in John 10:34 puts it: Our role is--if we lovingly choose to be so--to be G0ds within GOD.
[XXXXXXXXXXXBack, later................]