Wednesday, September 25, 2013

G.O.D. is Real Being, not a being. In other words, G.0.D. is that which Generates, Organizes and Delivers: Good, Opportunity&Delight. GØD is not a being. G0D is Reality

G.O.D is how I symbolize total Being, or Reality. In my opinion, there is no supernatural and supreme being like the one we call God, one with dimensions who is served by angels, beyond the cosmos, in a place we call heaven

Sometimes, as needed, I also use the following symbols: GØD, and G0D. Note that, as needed, I also use the null and the zero. Both are symbols of where "finity" begins. I also like to use 'O' as a symbol of infinity--that in which the cosmos, including you and me, is immersed.

Google on the words panentheism and unitheism--terms which I began using in the 1980's and onwards.

MATTER AND CONSCIOUSNESS -- about the basic work of Paul M. Churchland and his wife, Patricia.